sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011


Feeling inundated and overwhelmed with incoming bankruptcy court notices?
The new Notice Me™ service puts bankruptcy court notices in their place — eliminating the disorganized tangle of unread e-mails, automatically managing the sorting and filing of those notices, and most importantly, saving your "free-looks" until you decide to delete them.
This new automated service provided by EZ-Filing, Inc. saves you time and money, operating as a virtual assistant, processing your incoming court notices. Serving bankruptcy attorneys for over two decades, EZ-Filing is experienced in delivering efficient and automated software solutions to bankruptcy firms coast-to-coast.
1. Selecciona un texto relacionado con tu área de interés. Identifica 3 palabras que no conoces. Agrega las abreviaciones.
- bankruptcy = Quiebra (A)
- sorting = Clasificación (A)
-  attorneys = Abogados (S)
2. Idea principal del texto (en español)
Este nuevo servicio de asesoramiento legal automatizado que ahorra tiempo y dienro, que opera como un asistente virtual, procesando sus avisos judiciales de entrada.
3. Identifica las siguientes categorías lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoría)
    * Palabras de contenido: Service, filing
    * Palabras de Función: in their, disorganized
    * Verbos: unread
    * Adverbio: saves
    * Adjetivo: efficient
    * Artículo: the, an
    * Preposiciones: in
    * Conjunción:
    * Cognados verdaderos: automatically, importantly
    * cognados Falsos: saving, sorting
    * Sufijo:eliminating, importantly
    * Prefijos: disorganized, unread

B. Estructura de la oracion: (2 ejemplos)
 Frase nominal
   1. Nucleo de la frase nominal
   2. pre modificadores- post modificadores

    Oracion: This new automated service provided by EZ-Filing, Inc. saves you time and money, operating as a virtual assistant, processing your incoming court notices.
    FN: This new automated service provided by EZ-Filing, Inc.
    N: saves
    Premodificador: Automatically managing the sorting and filing of those notices, and most importantly,
    Postmodificador: you time and money.
 FV: saves you time and money
 Tiempo: Presente simple

    Oracion: Serving bankruptcy attorneys for over two decades, EZ-Filing is experienced in delivering efficient and automated software solutions to bankruptcy firms coast-to-coast. 
    FN: No tiene
    N: Serving
    Premodificador: No tiene    
    Postmodificador:   bankruptcy attorneys for over two decades.
    FV: Serving bankruptcy
    V: Serving
    Tiempo verbal: presente progresivo

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